Candidates needed for the 2024 Plymouth 2 Alano Board election
The Plymouth 2 Alano Board of Directors is a unique service opportunity for those interested in continuing the legacy of careful stewardship for our recovery community. Take a look at our “fact sheet” and reach out to any board member if you have questions.
The nomination deadline is Thursday, March 14 at 6:00 pm.
Eligibility guidelines
- You must be a current, pledging member of the Plymouth 2 Alano Society
- You must be a member of a group that meets at the Plymouth 2 Alano
- AA and NA members must have at least one year of continuous sobriety/abstinence
- If elected, you must maintain continuous sobriety/abstinence for the duration of your term
How to become a candidate
If you meet eligibilty, you must to be nominated by another current, pledging member to become a candidate. The nomination should be submitted to the Election Committee. Their contact information is posted on the board bulletin board inside the Alano.
Additional details
See the fact sheet below and posted on the board bulltin board in the Alano.
Volunteers needed for Plymouth 2 Alano Election Committee!
We need some motivated volunteers to serve on the 2024 Plymouth 2 Alano Election Committee! The board cannot run its own election, so we rely on our community to help select who will serve in the upcoming board. The main duties include:
- Recruiting eligible candidates from various meetings and programs
- Helping members get their pledges submitted (typically by answering questions or referring them to a board member)
- Assisting election activities, ensuring a fair, unbiased process
You won’t have to do it alone. The board will guide and support you.
Please consider being of service to our community in this unique way! You even get to see some of what goes on behind the scenes at Plymouth 2 Alano. If you may eventually want to run for the board, this is a good way to gain insight into what that entails and how you might accomplish that.
Thank you! We are so grateful for our wonderful community.
P2A Board

Plymouth 2 Alano Potluck Speaker Meetings have resumed
Plymouth 2 Alano is pleased to announce resumption of a beloved tradition: monthly potluck speaker meetings! Groups that meet at the Plymouth 2 Alano are responsible for hosting about once per year. We created an overview document, shared with our groups and posted on the Board bulletin board, to help each group host a successful gathering. If you have additional questions, contact a board member.
We want to offer our sincere thanks to Tuesday Night Al-Anon for proactively stepping up and volunteering to host in January. We hope their enthusiasm has built the momentum needed to restore this beautiful tradition that was taken from us in the COVID era. The January potluck was a smashing success with food, fellowship, experience, strength and hope! That simply could not be possible without the help and cooperation of all of the Plymouth 2 groups and members. Thank you all.
Share this information with your group members. We encourage groups to seek participation from all your members. We can accomplish so much when we work together, and it’s a lot more fun too!
With much gratitude,
Plymouth 2 Alano Board

Annual P2A Summer BBQ featuring musical guest Scottie Miller Sunday, August 11 from 1pm – 4pm
The annual P2A Summer BBQ is Sunday, August 11 from 1pm to 4pm. Musical performance by Scottie Miller, open jam sign-up, burgers, brats and beverages. Sign-up for service or to bring a dish!
Annual Membership Meeting Thursday, April 4 at 6 pm
State of the Alano, Board Election Results. Join us Thursday, April 4 at 6:00 pm. Monthly potluck and speaker meeting too! Bring a dish if you wish!
March Potluck Speaker Meeting
Thursday, March 7 at 6:00 pm hosted by Women’s There is a Solution AA. Join us and, if you wish, bring a dish to share!
February Potluck Speaker Meeting
Thursday, February 1 at 6:00 pm. Join us and bring a dish to share!
Plymouth II Alano Holiday Party 2023
Saturday, December 16th
Plymouth II Alano Cookout 2023
August 13th from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Board Meeting Approved Minutes
Board meetings approved minutes for 2023-2024 board cycle
All minutes documents for 2023-2024 P2A board cycle.
Approved Minutes for March and April 2023
Approved minutes for Board Meetings 2023-03 through 2023-04
February 2023 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes
Approved minutes for Board Meeting 2023-02
January 2023 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes
Approved minutes for Board Meeting 2023-01