February 2023 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Meeting called to order by Chris at 6:35pm
Present: Derek, Diane, Mara, Dave, Jay, Chris, Chip
Serenity Prayer
There were no imutes available for approval. Chip made a motion, and Diane
provided the second to defer approval to electronic when available. Motion
Treasurers Report: Diane provided the report, Jay moved to aapprove (accept or
receive), second by Dave. Motion approved.
Mara presented that an OA group named New Beginnings desires a 7:30 meeting
on Saturdays. Diane mored for approval, Jay provided the second. Motion
Discussion of Election and Membership: Jay, Dave, and Brtad are terming out.
There are 3 spots that will be open. Chip will reach out to Tom K to try and get
him to chair the effort. There will e a general meeting at 6:30 on 4-6-23 when the
election results will be announced. May dates and logistics still TBD regarding the
ballots and voting. Board meeting on 4-23-23 will determine board assignments.
Diane shared that Allen as requested $500 for the supply account, which has been
Meeting adjourned and closed with the Responsibility Code at 7:30pm