Board Meetings Approved Minutes

Full historical listing of available Plymouth 2 Alano Board meeting approved minutes documents.

Board meetings approved minutes for 2023-2024 board cycle

Minutes documents are typically approved at the following month’s board meeting. After approval, we typically post the approved minutes within a few weeks.

Note: We may exclude some details to protect private information or to preserve the anonymity of non-board members mentioned in board proceedings. We do our best to disclose details relevant to Alano membership in accordance with Alano bylaws.

February 2023 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes

February 2023 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Meeting called to order by Chris at 6:35pm
Present: Derek, Diane, Mara, Dave, Jay, Chris, Chip
Serenity Prayer
There were no imutes available for approval. Chip made a motion, and Diane
provided the second to defer approval to electronic when available. Motion
Treasurers Report: Diane provided the report, Jay moved to aapprove (accept or
receive), second by Dave. Motion approved.
Mara presented that an OA group named New Beginnings desires a 7:30 meeting
on Saturdays. Diane mored for approval, Jay provided the second. Motion
Discussion of Election and Membership: Jay, Dave, and Brtad are terming out.
There are 3 spots that will be open. Chip will reach out to Tom K to try and get
him to chair the effort. There will e a general meeting at 6:30 on 4-6-23 when the
election results will be announced. May dates and logistics still TBD regarding the
ballots and voting. Board meeting on 4-23-23 will determine board assignments.
Diane shared that Allen as requested $500 for the supply account, which has been
Meeting adjourned and closed with the Responsibility Code at 7:30pm

January 2023 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes

January 2023 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Meeting called to order by Chris at 6:35pm
Present: Derek, Diane, Mara, Dave, Jay, Chris, Chip
Serenity Prayer
There were no imutes available for approval. Chip made a motion, and Diane
provided the second to defer approval to electronic when available. Motion
Treasurers Report: Diane provided the report, Jay moved to aapprove (accept or
receive), second by Dave. Motion approved.
Mara presented that an OA group named New Beginnings desires a 7:30 meeting
on Saturdays. Diane mored for approval, Jay provided the second. Motion
Discussion of Election and Membership: Jay, Dave, and Brtad are terming out.
There are 3 spots that will be open. Chip will reach out to Tom K to try and get
him to chair the effort. There will e a general meeting at 6:30 on 4-6-23 when the
election results will be announced. May dates and logistics still TBD regarding the
ballots and voting. Board meeting on 4-23-23 will determine board assignments.
Diane shared that Allen as requested $500 for the supply account, which has been
Meeting adjourned and closed with the Responsibility Code at 7:30pm

December 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes

December 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Open: with the serenity prayer at 6:06pm

Introductions: Chris, Diane, Jay, Brad, Melanie, Dave (tardy)

Visitors: none

 Approval of Minutes: brad makes a motion to approve the minutes, Chris seconds, minutes approved

 Treasurer’s Report: supply account is closed, donations slightly down, Jay makes a motion to approve the report, Dave seconds, report approved

 New Business:

  • literature order: $700 purposed, Brad makes a motion to allow Alan to spend $700 on literature, Dave seconds, motion approved
  • intergroup getting correct debit card information- Diane has already addressed this
  • topic of 10% increase of pricing for literature in 2023- until the price increase actually happens, we will keep current sale price

Status Updates:

  • Holiday party planning-
    • door prizes- 2 dutch ovens, 1 iron, 3 Jack Link’s gift bags, 15 smaller items from Target, we still need 50-60 small items that Diane will purchase, Chip has collected a few items that Diane will check on
    • food catering- all set, still need to purchase soda- Diane and Dave will take care of it,
    • volunteers- we need people here at 5pm to set up room and food tables, need people to give out raffle tickets and name tags,
  • Chip reviewing by-laws- nothing that needs to be changed
  • building cleaning is booked for December 17th, estimate is $250 and will take 6 hours

Old Business:

  • paperwork for review- Chip and Nancy can review documents to sort through what needs to be held onto and what can be discarded, they will also review Alano guidelines document to see if we can add or edit a guide to how long we need to hold onto documents, what needs to be archived, etc.

Close: with the responsibility statement at 6:51pm

November 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes

November 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Open: 6:30pm
Introductions: Chris, Dave, Diane, Chip, Brad, Melanie, Jay
Visitors: none
Approval of Minutes: Chip makes a motion to approve the minutes, Diane seconds, minutes approved
Treasurer's Report: up $13,000 net income total for the year so far, Brad makes a motion to approve
report, Dave seconded, report approved
New Business:
● someone managing the planning of holiday party- one person has shown interest so far,
Dave will follow with that person
● food catering for holiday party- Brad makes motion to approve catering quote, Chip seconds,
food quote approved
● paperwork for review- Chip and Nancy can review documents to sort through what needs to
be held onto and what can be discarded, they will also review Alano guidelines document to
see if we can add or edit a guide to how long we need to hold onto documents, what needs
to be archived, etc.
● holiday party details discussion- Dave and Melanie can contribute a few door prizes, Dave,
Chip, and Brad will do some shopping around to see if they can find anything else, Diane will
pick up at Costco: paper plates, napkins, plasticware if needed,
● building cleaning- Melanie will check if she can get someone to clean the building before the
holiday party, Mainstreeters will clean building after holiday party
Status Updates:
● update: minutes have been added to website
● Chip reviewing by-laws
● maintenance account-Alan- debit card tied to account will be destroyed, this account will
closed, the balance will be transferred to checking account
Old Business:

Close: with responsibility statement at 7:15pm

October 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes

October 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Plymouth 2 Alano Board Minutes, October 20,2022

Open: 6:30 pm 
Introductions: Chris, Brad, Chip, Diane, Dave
Visitors: None

Approval of Minutes: Diane motioned to accept with inclusion of
amendment. Chip seconded, minutes approved.

New business:
* Possibly merge supply account with checking account. After
discussion Brad motioned to merge the two. Diane seconded and
motion passed.
• Agreed to find someone to take charge of leading the Holiday party.
• Subject was brought up to post minutes in the P2A Website. Dave motioned that we post copies of the last 6 months board meetings and monthly meeting notes moving forward into our website (archived for easy access for future boards). Chip seconded and motion passed. Melanie to please see that this is done.
• We discussed expenses from our last Holiday party which was December of 2019. Those expenses came to approximately $1080 for food, door prizes, and miscellaneous other expenses.
• Brad motioned to approve $1500 for our Dec. 15, 2022 party. Chip seconded and motion was approved.
• Dave and Brad will tap their resources in the rep business for door prize donations.
Status update:
*Building fund check to cover cost of $2500 CD. CD was
purchased by Diane and Chip. To date we have moved $7500 of
our goal of $10,000 to the building fund.
Old business:

Close: 7:20 pm led by Diane with Alanon prayer.

September 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes

September 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Plymouth 2 Alano Board Minutes, September 2022

Plymouth 2 Alano Society, Inc.

610 Hopkins Crossroad

Hopkins, MN 55305-1469


Open: 6:30pm with serenity prayer


Introductions: Diane, Dave, Chris, Brad, Chip, Melanie, Jay


Visitors: none


Approval of Minutes: brad makes motion to approve, dave seconded, July minutes approved


Treasurers Report: no red flags, everything is looking good and in the positive, brad makes motion to accept, chip seconded, report has been accepted


New Business:

  • Making another payment to the building fund and planning it: brad makes motion to pay another $2,500 to the building fund right now, Jay seconded, payment motion has been approved, Diane and Chip will coordinate making the payment
  • Old names on bank account has been brought up as a concern, Diane and Chip will make sure that current names (Chris, Diane, and Chip) are on the bank account and not any other names, they will also check on adding another security layer of having 2 out 3 persons present and gain access to the account (to prevent any wrong doing), Chip is going to review our financial section of our bylaws to make sure there are proper security layers in place and if not, will make suggestions at next board meeting


Status Updates:

  • Website launch: Chris shares screen and walks board through the new website, creators will give tutorial to Chris and Melanie in order to manage it, Melanie and Chris will look into WordPress and if we need to keep that, will launch within 10 days



Old Business:

  • Alano BBQ summary/feedback: plan B worked great (inside and outside), suggestion of having an itinerary created for next year (eat at 12, dunk tank at 12:30, etc.), suggestion of creating flyers and posting at other buildings to attract more people to the club
  • Talked about providing a thank out gift card to Scotti: motion to provide Scotti a $200 visa gift card, Dave seconded, motion approved


Close: at 7:26pm with the responsibility pledge

August 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes

August 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Plymouth 2 Alano Board Minutes, August 11th, 2022

Plymouth 2 Alano Society, Inc.

610 Hopkins Crossroad

Hopkins, MN 55305-1469


Open: 6:30pm


Introductions: Chris, Chip, Dave, Brad, Jay, Diane, Melanie


Visitors: none


Approval of Minutes: Brad makes motion to accept minutes, Jay seconded, minutes accepted


Treasurers Report: down over 3,000 from last month due to paying toward building fund, literature, BBQ, etc. Brad makes motion to accept report, Dave seconded, passed


New Business:

  • Website: it is live! Melanie will investigate creating an auto-reply email to new members who join to get information like in the door code
  • Supply account: Diane makes a motion to change the supply purchase process to have a prepaid visa card that Alan can use and reload once receipts are received, to also link trio account to main account, get rid of supply account, Chip seconded, motion passed
  • Bringing back monthly pot lucks and holiday party- holiday party is more favorable than monthly pot lucks, no response from group leaders about wanting pot lucks back, Jay makes a motion to bring back holiday party and $1,000 budget, hosted on December 15th, Brad seconded, motion passed .


Status Updates:

  • Payment to building fund- not completed
  • Changing names on bank account- still working on it


Old Business:


Close: 7:10pm with responsibility statement

July 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes

July 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Plymouth 2 Alano Board Agenda, July 14 th , 2022
Plymouth 2 Alano Society, Inc.
610 Hopkins Crossroad
Hopkins, MN 55305-1469

Open: 6:36pm
Introductions: Chris, Brad, Dave, Chip, Melanie, Jay
Visitors: none
Approval of Minutes: Melanie sent out on 7/12/2022, brad makes motion to approve, Dave seconds,
motion passed
Treasurers Report: Brenda sent out on 7/12/2022, chip will get details from Brenda about fees line of
approximately $3,000 charge, brad motions to approve, Jay seconds, motion passed
New Business:
 “furnish a new ramp for wheelchair access for over the curb to the area that some groups use for
break off meeting”- brought up by Dave, topic isn’t valid due to below motion that passed
 Groups meeting outside and using profanity, Chip makes motion to not allow any meeting/group
to meet outside on church property (similar to smoking rule), Dave seconds, discussion happens,
motion passes, Chris will notify via email, letter in mailboxes, posting notice on the door
Status Updates:
 Website- Jay was going to see if he can get help- Chris started working on getting all information
for the website, Diane is working on history of the Alano, Chris estimates 4-6 weeks until we
have a beta site
Old Business:
 Alano BBQ planning- research will be done on commercial-grade tent for BBQ (approximately
10×20 size)
 Voted via email to approve $2,500 to hire 3 rd party to work on the website
Close: 7:28pm with responsibility pledge

Note: We may exclude some details to protect private information or to preserve the anonymity of non-board members mentioned in board proceedings. We do our best to disclose details relevant to Alano membership in accordance with Alano bylaws.