Plymouth 2 Alano is pleased to announce resumption of a beloved tradition: monthly potluck speaker meetings! Groups that meet at the Plymouth 2 Alano are responsible for hosting about once per year. We created an overview document, shared with our groups and posted on the Board bulletin board, to help each group host a successful gathering. If you have additional questions, contact a board member.
We want to offer our sincere thanks to Tuesday Night Al-Anon for proactively stepping up and volunteering to host in January. We hope their enthusiasm has built the momentum needed to restore this beautiful tradition that was taken from us in the COVID era. The January potluck was a smashing success with food, fellowship, experience, strength and hope! That simply could not be possible without the help and cooperation of all of the Plymouth 2 groups and members. Thank you all.
Share this information with your group members. We encourage groups to seek participation from all your members. We can accomplish so much when we work together, and it’s a lot more fun too!
With much gratitude,
Plymouth 2 Alano Board