Open: 6:30pm
Introductions: Chris, Dave, Diane, Chip, Brad, Melanie, Jay
Visitors: none
Approval of Minutes: Chip makes a motion to approve the minutes, Diane seconds, minutes approved
Treasurer's Report: up $13,000 net income total for the year so far, Brad makes a motion to approve
report, Dave seconded, report approved
New Business:
● someone managing the planning of holiday party- one person has shown interest so far,
Dave will follow with that person
● food catering for holiday party- Brad makes motion to approve catering quote, Chip seconds,
food quote approved
● paperwork for review- Chip and Nancy can review documents to sort through what needs to
be held onto and what can be discarded, they will also review Alano guidelines document to
see if we can add or edit a guide to how long we need to hold onto documents, what needs
to be archived, etc.
● holiday party details discussion- Dave and Melanie can contribute a few door prizes, Dave,
Chip, and Brad will do some shopping around to see if they can find anything else, Diane will
pick up at Costco: paper plates, napkins, plasticware if needed,
● building cleaning- Melanie will check if she can get someone to clean the building before the
holiday party, Mainstreeters will clean building after holiday party
Status Updates:
● update: minutes have been added to website
● Chip reviewing by-laws
● maintenance account-Alan- debit card tied to account will be destroyed, this account will
closed, the balance will be transferred to checking account
Old Business:
Close: with responsibility statement at 7:15pm