July 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Plymouth 2 Alano Board Agenda, July 14 th , 2022
Plymouth 2 Alano Society, Inc.
610 Hopkins Crossroad
Hopkins, MN 55305-1469

Open: 6:36pm
Introductions: Chris, Brad, Dave, Chip, Melanie, Jay
Visitors: none
Approval of Minutes: Melanie sent out on 7/12/2022, brad makes motion to approve, Dave seconds,
motion passed
Treasurers Report: Brenda sent out on 7/12/2022, chip will get details from Brenda about fees line of
approximately $3,000 charge, brad motions to approve, Jay seconds, motion passed
New Business:
 “furnish a new ramp for wheelchair access for over the curb to the area that some groups use for
break off meeting”- brought up by Dave, topic isn’t valid due to below motion that passed
 Groups meeting outside and using profanity, Chip makes motion to not allow any meeting/group
to meet outside on church property (similar to smoking rule), Dave seconds, discussion happens,
motion passes, Chris will notify via email, letter in mailboxes, posting notice on the door
Status Updates:
 Website- Jay was going to see if he can get help- Chris started working on getting all information
for the website, Diane is working on history of the Alano, Chris estimates 4-6 weeks until we
have a beta site
Old Business:
 Alano BBQ planning- research will be done on commercial-grade tent for BBQ (approximately
10×20 size)
 Voted via email to approve $2,500 to hire 3 rd party to work on the website
Close: 7:28pm with responsibility pledge