December 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Open: with the serenity prayer at 6:06pm

Introductions: Chris, Diane, Jay, Brad, Melanie, Dave (tardy)

Visitors: none

 Approval of Minutes: brad makes a motion to approve the minutes, Chris seconds, minutes approved

 Treasurer’s Report: supply account is closed, donations slightly down, Jay makes a motion to approve the report, Dave seconds, report approved

 New Business:

  • literature order: $700 purposed, Brad makes a motion to allow Alan to spend $700 on literature, Dave seconds, motion approved
  • intergroup getting correct debit card information- Diane has already addressed this
  • topic of 10% increase of pricing for literature in 2023- until the price increase actually happens, we will keep current sale price

Status Updates:

  • Holiday party planning-
    • door prizes- 2 dutch ovens, 1 iron, 3 Jack Link’s gift bags, 15 smaller items from Target, we still need 50-60 small items that Diane will purchase, Chip has collected a few items that Diane will check on
    • food catering- all set, still need to purchase soda- Diane and Dave will take care of it,
    • volunteers- we need people here at 5pm to set up room and food tables, need people to give out raffle tickets and name tags,
  • Chip reviewing by-laws- nothing that needs to be changed
  • building cleaning is booked for December 17th, estimate is $250 and will take 6 hours

Old Business:

  • paperwork for review- Chip and Nancy can review documents to sort through what needs to be held onto and what can be discarded, they will also review Alano guidelines document to see if we can add or edit a guide to how long we need to hold onto documents, what needs to be archived, etc.

Close: with the responsibility statement at 6:51pm