Plymouth 2 Alano Board Minutes, October 20,2022
Open: 6:30 pm
Introductions: Chris, Brad, Chip, Diane, Dave
Visitors: None
Approval of Minutes: Diane motioned to accept with inclusion of
amendment. Chip seconded, minutes approved.
New business:
* Possibly merge supply account with checking account. After
discussion Brad motioned to merge the two. Diane seconded and
motion passed.
• Agreed to find someone to take charge of leading the Holiday party.
• Subject was brought up to post minutes in the P2A Website. Dave motioned that we post copies of the last 6 months board meetings and monthly meeting notes moving forward into our website (archived for easy access for future boards). Chip seconded and motion passed. Melanie to please see that this is done.
• We discussed expenses from our last Holiday party which was December of 2019. Those expenses came to approximately $1080 for food, door prizes, and miscellaneous other expenses.
• Brad motioned to approve $1500 for our Dec. 15, 2022 party. Chip seconded and motion was approved.
• Dave and Brad will tap their resources in the rep business for door prize donations.
Status update:
*Building fund check to cover cost of $2500 CD. CD was
purchased by Diane and Chip. To date we have moved $7500 of
our goal of $10,000 to the building fund.
Old business:
Close: 7:20 pm led by Diane with Alanon prayer.