September 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Plymouth 2 Alano Board Minutes, September 2022

Plymouth 2 Alano Society, Inc.

610 Hopkins Crossroad

Hopkins, MN 55305-1469


Open: 6:30pm with serenity prayer


Introductions: Diane, Dave, Chris, Brad, Chip, Melanie, Jay


Visitors: none


Approval of Minutes: brad makes motion to approve, dave seconded, July minutes approved


Treasurers Report: no red flags, everything is looking good and in the positive, brad makes motion to accept, chip seconded, report has been accepted


New Business:

  • Making another payment to the building fund and planning it: brad makes motion to pay another $2,500 to the building fund right now, Jay seconded, payment motion has been approved, Diane and Chip will coordinate making the payment
  • Old names on bank account has been brought up as a concern, Diane and Chip will make sure that current names (Chris, Diane, and Chip) are on the bank account and not any other names, they will also check on adding another security layer of having 2 out 3 persons present and gain access to the account (to prevent any wrong doing), Chip is going to review our financial section of our bylaws to make sure there are proper security layers in place and if not, will make suggestions at next board meeting


Status Updates:

  • Website launch: Chris shares screen and walks board through the new website, creators will give tutorial to Chris and Melanie in order to manage it, Melanie and Chris will look into WordPress and if we need to keep that, will launch within 10 days



Old Business:

  • Alano BBQ summary/feedback: plan B worked great (inside and outside), suggestion of having an itinerary created for next year (eat at 12, dunk tank at 12:30, etc.), suggestion of creating flyers and posting at other buildings to attract more people to the club
  • Talked about providing a thank out gift card to Scotti: motion to provide Scotti a $200 visa gift card, Dave seconded, motion approved


Close: at 7:26pm with the responsibility pledge