August 2022 Alano Board Meeting Approved Minutes


Plymouth 2 Alano Board Minutes, August 11th, 2022

Plymouth 2 Alano Society, Inc.

610 Hopkins Crossroad

Hopkins, MN 55305-1469


Open: 6:30pm


Introductions: Chris, Chip, Dave, Brad, Jay, Diane, Melanie


Visitors: none


Approval of Minutes: Brad makes motion to accept minutes, Jay seconded, minutes accepted


Treasurers Report: down over 3,000 from last month due to paying toward building fund, literature, BBQ, etc. Brad makes motion to accept report, Dave seconded, passed


New Business:

  • Website: it is live! Melanie will investigate creating an auto-reply email to new members who join to get information like in the door code
  • Supply account: Diane makes a motion to change the supply purchase process to have a prepaid visa card that Alan can use and reload once receipts are received, to also link trio account to main account, get rid of supply account, Chip seconded, motion passed
  • Bringing back monthly pot lucks and holiday party- holiday party is more favorable than monthly pot lucks, no response from group leaders about wanting pot lucks back, Jay makes a motion to bring back holiday party and $1,000 budget, hosted on December 15th, Brad seconded, motion passed .


Status Updates:

  • Payment to building fund- not completed
  • Changing names on bank account- still working on it


Old Business:


Close: 7:10pm with responsibility statement